Corporate Outline

Trade Name NAPREC Co.,Ltd.
Address of Headquarters 796-1, Utsukimachi, Hachiouji-city, Tokyo
192-0024, Japan
Telephone +81(042) 696-3733
Fax +81(042) 696-3734
* Please send inquiries via email.
Business Hours From 9:00 To 18:00
Regular Holiday Sunday every week
Representative Director Minoru Nagoya
Number of Employees 13
• April, 1997 : NAPREC Co.,Ltd. is established.
• 1999 : Company relocated from Fuchu city to Hachioji-city.


  • Manufacturing, sales, and tuning of engine parts for automobiles and motorcycles.
  • Maintenance, processing, and sales of automobile and motorcycle frames and internal combustion engines.
  • Export sales of auto parts.
  • Sales of new and used automobiles and motorcycles.
  • Manufacturing and sales of motorcycle parts.
  • Sales of NAPREC clothing and accessories.